El Papa en un centro 'atendido' por el Opus Dei.- Seiz
Fecha Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Tema 900. Sin clasificar

Envío el email que he recibido para hacerme partícipe de las noticias del Papa en una casa -casa que es pero que no es, si pero no aunque no pero sí) del Opus Dei, en Australia. Alguno no sabe que ya no soy de la obra aunque agradezco que me mantenga informado.

Un saludo y felicitaciones por opuslibros.org,

It's soooooooo good to know that our Beloved Holy Father Benedict XVI is able to rest well.... See, I'm sure most of you are very familiar with the following things we do during Sundays or weekends, or rest/excursion days....

1. Start the day with the mass
2. Then at noon, have a little get-together
3. Then take a stroll (paseo), or go to an excursion (do fishing, or feed the fish at Ligpo point, etc.)
4. Then take glances at the pictures of our Lady found whenever you enter some room in the Center.
Gladly, we've got photographs released by L'Osservatore Romano and the Opus Dei information office in Sydney precisely showing that the pope is resting in way which all of us are familiar with :)
Enjoy the photos :)
Viva il Papa!
Best Regards,

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